The following is a proposal set forth by the MATA Board as a means to increase membership and participation in the Maryland Agriculture Teachers Association, as well as the National Association of Agriculture Educators and participation in Region VI activities:
*** Registration is initially paid for by the MATA member and then receipt submitted to MATA treasurer for reimbursement.
Current MATA Board members are not eligible for this incentive.
We follow NAAE's membership year. Please make plans to renew or join by the end of summer to take full advantage of MATA.
Active Membership - teachers (full or part time) of Environmental, Agricultural, and Natural Resources in Middle and High Schools. Active membership dues are $60.00 per year. Please also complete an Agricultural Educator Demographic Form for MATA use on the subjects you teach.
Affiliate Membership - Post-secondary agriculture educators, Ag Ed State Staff, FFA Executive Secretary. Dues are $50.00 per year.
Associate Membership (ASC) - Teachers of other disciplines or those persons not eligible for active or affiliate membership but still maintain an interest in Environmental, Agricultural, and Natural Resources. Dues are $25.00 per year.
MATA Life Member - available to an Active member upon their retirement from teaching. MATA Life Member dues are equal to one year’s Active Membership dues, currently, $60.00, which may be paid in four payments during the year
First Year Ag Teacher - First year agricultural teachers recieve complimentary membership to both MATA and NAAE, upon completion and submission of the nessicary membership forms.
Student Member - Includes undergraduate and graduate students or those attending out-of-state—students pursuing teacher certification programs in agricultural education, who are MD residents in out-of-state institutions, or those attending an MD campus that offers an agricultural education major. MATA and NAAE dues are free upon completing the necessary paperwork.
We follow NAAE's membership year. Please make plans to renew or join by the end of summer to take full advantage of MATA.
NAAE - National Association of Agricultural Educators – active member dues are $60 yearly. Please also complete an Agricultural Educator Demographic Form. Professional liability insurance ($100,000) is provided with NAAE Active membership by NAAE. Additional Professional Liability Insurance plans are available on the website. Lifetime Active is $720. Retiree is $35.00 yearly and Retiree Life is $120.00.
The Council – The National Council on Agricultural Education requests a donation of $ 2.00 from each teacher of agriculture. ACTE – The Association for Career and Technical Education is the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for successful careers. Annual dues are $ 80.00.
ACTE – The Association for Career and Technical Education is the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for successful careers. Annual dues are $ 80.00.
Ag Ed Relief Fund – NAAE maintains a relief fund nationally for NAAE members who have suffered a catastrophic event and welcomes any contribution.
Maryland Agriculture Teachers Association, Inc.
9104 49th Avenue College Park, MD 20740-1830