Due May 15th, 2025
The application should be written, compiled and made into a pdf to be submitted electronically by email to marylandagricultureteachers@gmail.com
A goal of MATA is to promote and recognize outstanding teachers and programs in agricultural education and effectively communicate success stories. MATA members may apply for more than one professional award however a member may only win one Professional Award per year. The MATA will provide the following award categories:
Agricultural Program Professional Awards:
Outstanding Classroom
Outstanding FFA--Single Teacher Dept
Outstanding FFA--Multi Teacher Dept
Outstanding SAE--Single Teacher Dept
Outstanding SAE--Multi Teacher Dept
Spreading the Word
Agricultural Education Advocate
Teacher of Teachers
Winners of the following awards will have the opportunity to apply for the respective categories for NAAE Region 6 competition: Information on the NAAE applications, including rubrics and instructions, can be found on online at http://www.naae.org/resources/awards/index.cfm#omsp.
Outstanding New Teacher
Outstanding Teacher
Outstanding Program
Ideas Unlimited
Teacher Turn The Key
Outstanding Cooperator
Lifetime Achievement
Outstanding Mentor
Bridget Nicholson
Middletown High School
Jessica Johnston
Worcestor Career & Technology Center
Pat Beachy & Tom Hawthorne
Linganore High School
Lori Mayhew
Damascus High School
North Harford High School
Sara Seiser
Middletown High School
Barb Glenn
MD Farm Bureau
Diane Herndon, Tom Hawthorne & Pat Beachy
Erika Edwards
Hereford High School
Dr. Stacy Eckels
Anne Arundel High School
Tom Hawthorne & Pat Beachy
Linganore High School
Diane Herndon
Frederick Career & Technology Center
Maryland Farm Bureau
Lee Heavner
Amanda Farmer
Boonsboro High School
Maryland Agriculture Teachers Association, Inc.
9104 49th Avenue College Park, MD 20740-1830